Monday, October 08, 2007

Leather, I am ending this topic

After evaluating and finding my compot somewhat muddy yet personally appealing, I decided to see how much top I could add on. I knew that my dilution was too thick but didn't want to think the composition out yet. I am going on a rough estimate of a total of 30 per cent.

I wanted to create a challenging top but not go into ugly. Something that happens often. Luckily I like ugly and just keep whatever mistakes I make in a special What was I thinking?cabinet

I chose a separate vial of a combination that includes but is not limited to:
a fresh distillation of Violet Leaf Absolute, Neroline, Citralast (creates a bit more longevity with a fresh feel) and an overly large amount of butter absolute.

Butter is a fascinating but aggressive top. Had to blend it in better while retaining that totally outrageous first impression. So far have added an accord of softer ghee type effect with one tiny amount of Spearmint

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